As we have mentioned before, we have a bucket list. It is a list of reasonable (mostly) things that Sam would still like to do as she knows the end is eminent. There is allot of mixed emotions concerning a bucket list. Some think that having a bucket list limits your possibilities of how your day will be, that it hampers spontaneity. I personally think that a bucket list is like a road map, it shows where I am going and what direction I need to take to get there. If I see something special along the way then good, yet another thing that I have learned or seen. So such is with Sam, a list of things she would like to see or do. I think a bucket list is great for a person with a terminal illness, it is an inspiration of goals to look forward to. The list is a way to occupy the mind to not dwell on the daily aches, pains and challenges so much. It seems when we have a goal to look forward to it gives Sam a reason to fight on a day to day basis, a reason to be more careful in her movements as to not hurt herself or us. A common goal that we all can look forward to even in some of those darkest hours. The excitement that builds up to the day that we do have to plan for intensely is like no other motivator. A bucket list will lead our lives with Sam, goals and rainbows to look forward to in the days of clouds and rain. Do you have a bucket list?
my hubby, Don was diagnosed in Sept 2012...in Nov we started on the bucket list by going to Hawaii and having one of the best trips ever..we were so very happy...Now we are planning a trip across Canada by train in April. We do lots of little things too and try to keep pleasant event on the calendar.